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Lou Wallace/With fellow artists Neilanne Faulkner, Brenda Connors, Kathleen Connors, PJ Mongan and Ian



Lou  Wallace/A subli grati'ath Neilanne Faulkner, Breda Connors, Kathleen Connors, PJ Mongan a Ian McDonagh

Description/ Sunal

5 x Colour Prints behind an Acrylic Mount,

All colour image stills created by members of the Traveller Community

2 x Tv Monitors with black and white HD looping video track.


5 x git’a ghrit’a mwen'a a ‘Acrylic Mount’
Bith git’a ghrit’a sedi gruber’ath a Mincéir geels.
2 x tv suwni’ath a gut a led HD looping suwni’th tober.


Stairwell wall to basement level - Museum of country life, Co Mayo


Meri skrubol crush ain thur gori - Guck kanya Munckeri tapa, Co. Mayo

Outline of the work/Tesk a Gruber

Titles: “PJ by PJ” PJ Mongan

           “Grotto” by Nellieann Faulkner

           “Painting Generation” by Brenda Connors

           “Ned” by Kathleen Connors

           “Part of our past, never forgotten” by Ian McDonagh

           “Lens of the Country Girl” moving image portraits by Louise Wallace.


Five colour image stills captured by members of the Traveller community display

an intimate first-hand account of the visual experienced as life as a young Irish Traveller in 2018. The images taken through a collaboration process between artist and Irish Traveller. The photos guide the viewer into another wise unseen seen world through halting sites, family and traditions. The work is merged with video

fragments that the artist has gathered through the learnt process of the collaboration dialogue. The works are presented in a salon hang of moving image and stills photography.


Monikers: “PJ a PJ” PJ Mongan

           “Muni gox” a Nellieann Faulkner

           “Grat’i gat” a Brenda Connors

           “Ned” a Kathleen Connors
           “Mulk a mulk, nid'ei turk tag’ath” by Ian McDonagh

           “Swuni blinkham a munkeri lackeen crush ain swuni’ath a Louise Wallace.


Suka git’a swuni stedi a bagail a geels a Mincéir geels swini a aid mala whid a Mincéir thoiree a 2018. A swini’ath a neejas gruber g’e a grat’I a Mincéir. A get swuni a swuni’th a stash molly, tribli an mala’ths. A gruber lopso a swuni ladu a grat’I a geels ash a whidden. A gruber a swnuni’ath ath a salon hang a crush’ain lurks a stedi swuner.

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